Vily Chatzigianni (She/Her)

I was born and raised in Thessaloniki. I completed my studies at the Faculty of Law of DUTH and then I graduated from the Postgraduate Programme of Studies “Gender, Culture and Society” of the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean. In 2024 I completed my training at the Institute for Sexuality Education & Enlightenment (ISEE) and received certification as a Holistic Sexuality Educator. 

I have worked as a researcher-anthropologist in university projects related to gender and kinship,as well as formal and informal education of people who have experienced displacement. I have also worked in civil society organisations, as a legal advisor to refugees who have experienced gender-based violence, as a trainer of adolescents on HIV-AIDS stigma prevention and as a local group coordinator with diverse responsibilities around gender-based violence prevention and protection of refugee population in vulnerability. 

I look forward – along with Virginia – to creating sex education services that deconstruct dominant stereotypes about gender, sexuality and relationships and place pleasure, consent and joy at the centre. I m happy when I sing,dance and have little dogs around me